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Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy in Dubai

Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Dubai. Blue sky and clouds reflected in the water surrounded by mountains. What lies beneath the water represents the unconscious mind that hypnosis and clinical hypnotherapy focuses on.
The reflections in the water represent the unconscious side of the psyche

Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy in Dubai. Introduction

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy are scientifically recognized and well-tested psychotherapeutic methods. They’ve been successfully applied in various fields of psychotherapy, by general physicians, and dentists for the treatment of children and adults.

When I mention to people that I am a licensed clinical hypnotherapist, they often respond with great curiosity. They typically want to know what hypnosis and hypnotherapy are, how they work, and if they are safe.

In this article, I will answer those questions and more, and you might consider hypnosis and hypnotherapy at our clinic in Dubai.

What is Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy?

The term “hypnosis” comes from the Greek “hypnos,” meaning sleep. But even though it may appear that the hypnotized person is asleep, the opposite is true. In the state of hypnosis (trance), there’s an increase in concentration and activation of the so-called alpha rhythms in the brain. The right hemisphere of the brain, responsible for imaginative, creative thinking, is activated, while the left hemisphere, responsible for logical-analytical thinking, remains relatively inactive.

Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy and the Unconscious

Sigmund FreudC.G. Jung and Jacques Lacan were the pioneers who conceptualized the idea of the unconscious and its dynamics. They gained insights into patients’ unconscious using dream interpretation, free association, as well as hypnosis. The relevance of the unconscious is that it affects how we feel, think, perceive, and behave. It is the source of automatic thoughts, memory, emotional memory, insight, knowledge, inner conflicts, fears, and desires.

The Hypnotic Trance

During hypnosis, the hypnotherapist guides the person into an altered state of consciousness called the hypnotic trance. It’s been proven that the majority of people can enter a trance state through hypnosis, given certain abilities to concentrate, activate vivid imagination, and establish a trustful relationship with the hypnotherapist. To induce trance, a therapist might use a classic method like eye fixation.

Trance influences physical reactions such as muscle tension and blood pressure regulation. Mentally, patients experience intense calmness, balance, strength, and security. Critical-rational thinking recedes while imaginative processing activates and stimulates imagery across all senses. Attention shifts to inner experiences, while perception of the external world fades. In a state of trance, visual associations are more easily learned. This has concrete effects for patients, allowing them to get more distance towards stress-inducing situations and imbuing them with positive content.

What Happens in Hypnotherapy?

Psychotherapists using hypnotherapy usually have prior training in another therapy form, such as depth psychology or behavior therapy. A therapist will employ hypnotherapy based on and in addition to their therapeutic approach, creating conditions for the client to engage in creative problem-solving.

The therapist doesn’t dictate solutions but triggers search processes in trance, facilitated by activating the right hemisphere of the brain. It may be helpful to project into the future, imagining handling a difficult upcoming situation or envisioning it already resolved.

The Ericksonian hypnotherapist applies principles of utilization outside of trance too. This might involve assigning tasks to disrupt habitual thinking, perception, or behavior patterns (like reaching for cigarettes or a beer bottle).

Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy. The Difference

Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy in Dubai. Clinical hypnotherapy is a safe and effective treatment method
Clinical hypnotherapy is a safe and effective treatment method

A hypnotist does hypnosis by “implanting” suggestions in the unconscious.

The clinical hypnotherapist, in contrast, uses hypnosis as a tool applying special therapeutic techniques to achieve treatment success. The techniques are guided imageries, parts-therapy, regressions, relearning, and discharge of negative or overpowering emotions (abreactions).

When to Use Hypnosis?

Scientific studies and clinical experience demonstrate that hypnosis and its psychotherapeutic use, hypnotherapy, can effectively treat mental health disorders. These include anxiety, depression, PTSD, addictivions, psychosomatic disorders, chronic pain, and more.

In general medicine, hypnosis is successfully used for cardiovascular and gastrointestinal problems, skin conditions, and in cancer treatment to reduce pain, anxiety, or chemotherapy side effects. Other medical applications include obstetrics and emergency care.

Is Effectiveness of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Scientifically Proved?

The effectiveness of hypnosis can be demonstrated through empirical studies and various methods monitoring brain activity, such as EEG (Electroencephalography) – a technique measuring the brain’s electrical activity.

The Cerebral State Monitor (small handheld EEG monitor), used in anesthesia to monitor its depth, shows similar values in hypnotic anesthesia as in pharmacologically induced anesthesia. These results prove the effectiveness of hypnosis in pain management. Brain changes during hypnosis can be also observed using imaging techniques, such as PET, revealing distinct responses during deep relaxation compared to non-relaxed states.

Conditions Treated with Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy at Our Clinic in Dubai

Hypnosis can influence nearly all autonomously occurring processes of the human body, such as digestion, hormone gland activity, or the immune system function. Other areas of application include pain management and dependency therapy (e.g., alcohol, smoking cessation).

It primarily depends on the therapist’s goals and, not least, on their experience, skill, and knowledge how they use this tool in a specific case. Especially in inexplicable anxiety and panic attacks, therapeutic hypnosis can contribute to clarifying the causes and then, in the second step, to resolving the fears.

Treatment of Chronic Pain with Hypnosis

Medical hypnosis is particularly effective in treating chronic pain complementing conventional treatment with medication. The long-term goal of hypnosis is to provide knowledge and guidance for self-hypnosis so that individuals can independently perform hypnosis exercises.

Hypnosis in Treatment of Sleep Disorders

Hypnotherapy is effective for treating sleep disorders with emotional or psychological causes. If sleep disorders occur as a result of physical illnesses, hypnosis can also be promising as a complementary therapy.

Sleep disturbances often arise from individuals struggling to stop the cycle of thoughts or cease pointless rumination before bedtime. Hypnotherapy for sleep disorders focuses on clearing the mind to put an end to this rumination by introducing positive inner images, allowing for a gentle transition into a pleasant and restful sleep.

Hypnosis in Treatment of Dependencies

In general, we distinguish between two types of addictions: addictions to substances and behavioral addictions. The first group includes addictions to alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes. Alcohol and cigarettes dependence are by far the most common addiction since alcohol and cigarettes are readily available and commonly not perceived as a drug. The second group of addictions includes disorders such as gambling, internet dependence, or compulsive buying. Breaking free from a dependence is extremely challenging.

Hypnosis is an effective treatment method for dependencies as they are rooted in the unconscious. Hypnotherapy can be used for treatment of behavioral and substance-related dependencies. With hypnosis, compulsions can be resolved, and dependency-promoting behaviors can be discarded. Instead, positive behavioral patterns can be anchored in the unconscious during hypnotherapy sessions.

Other Indications for Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Procedure at CHMC Dubai

Introducing hypnosis and hypnotherapy as a treatment method requires standardized steps.

1. Preliminary Discussion

First and foremost, it’s important for the patient to feel understood and respected. Typically, an intense conversation between the hypnotherapist and the patient takes place initially to build trust. Once the atmosphere between patient and therapist is sufficiently relaxed, the actual hypnosis begins. This occurs in a room that exudes tranquillity and comfort.

While the initial discussion focused on describing the problem, now it’s about engaging the senses and unconsciously reshaping the experience of the problem. The patient takes a seat on the comfortable hypnosis chair. They might wrap themselves in a blanket or close their eyes. What matters is what feels right for the patient.

2. Relaxation Phase

Relaxation is initiated with some breathing exercises and gradually deepened. Deepening typically involves counting. For example, the patient might imagine descending a staircase step by step. The speed and intensity vary from patient to patient. Additionally, the methods and imagery in the induction can vary and are adjusted individually based on the client and his condition.

3. Trance Phase

During trance, the patients are guided and supported to approach the root causes of their problems at their own pace. Here, too, there are different techniques ranging from regressive to progressive work. Hypnosis is a highly individual process and should always be treated as such. The patients maintain a distance between the visualized situation and their experiencing self. This means the patients views their problems as if through a pane of glass. They can feel the reactions from that time exactly, without being overwhelmed by their emotions again. In the next step, the patient is encouraged to fill the situation with new content. For example, in the case of a fear of flying, the focus is shifted to other aspects of flying that are not fear-inducing.

4. Waking Phase

The waking phase is the shorted during a hypnotherapy session.  The hypnotherapist gently counts from 1 to 5 and suggests ever increasing alertness ending in the client opening his or her eyes.

Common Myths and Misconceptions about Hypnosis: Questions and Answers

Few therapeutic techniques in the realm of psychology are as enshrouded in myths and misunderstandings as hypnosis and hypnotherapy. In the following text we want to demystify such myths answering to the most common questions. The reader will find more information in our more elaborated article about hypnosis.

Are Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Safe?

If you are in the hands of a professional, hypnosis and hypnotherapy are safe. Therefore, you need an experienced hypnotherapist who can safely work with anything that emerges during a session to avoid planting false memories.

Is Patient’s Autonomy Respected?

During hypnosis, the conscious control is largely maintained. Modern hypnotherapy involves a communicative cooperation between therapist and client in trance. It is emphasized to carefully respect the patient’s autonomy and not impose anything on them. A person’s psyche is not manipulated against their will.

Is Weak-Mindedness Necessary for Hypnosis?

Everyone can be hypnotized, regardless of mental strength, as hypnosis relies on cooperation. However, a person who consciously or unconsciously rejects hypnosis can’t be hypnotized.

Does Hypnotherapists Possess Special Powers?

Hypnotherapists are trained individuals using learned techniques, not mystical beings. In reality, hypnosis is simply a method for focusing the mind to absorb suggestions for change, dispelling sensationalized notions.

Can I Get Stuck in Hypnosis?

People retain control during hypnosis and can interrupt or end the process if desired.

Will I recall the content of Hypnotic Session?

Typically, individuals can recall their experiences during trance after hypnosis.

Would I Reveal Secrets I don’t Wish to Disclose under Hypnosis?

Since the mind is fully aware, divulging secrets is impossible; individuals can choose not to talk about certain topics.

How Many Hypnotherapy Sessions Does It Take?

As a client-cantered, clinical hypnotherapist, I will adjust the number of sessions to the client’s conditions and his needs. An average for quitting smoking or treating phobias, you will need 3 sessions. It is through a collaborative effort that clients experience healing and well-being. However, you can expect improvement after the first session of hypnosis and clinical hypnotherapy.

Who Should Not Undergo Hypnosis?

Many people fear hypnosis. That’s why it’s important to be well-informed about this method, to understand what it can achieve and what it cannot. A good therapist will inform you about this and will not hypnotize you without having extensive discussions with you. A complete medical history is also essential, as there are some contraindications. People with psychotic disorders, intellectual impairments, severe depression, epilepsy, personality disorders, and severe cardiovascular diseases should not undergo hypnosis.

How To Find Qualified Hypnotherapist in Dubai?

If you look for hypnosis or hypnotherapy in Dubai, you will find a number of practitioners online. The first thing you will want to do is review the provider’s profile and see if they are certified through a professional hypnosis board. Following this role, select a practitioner who also holds a Dubai license in one of the mental healthcare professions, such as psychologist or counselor. This assures that they have the necessary knowledge and experience to assess a person’s mental health and establish what treatments are most beneficial for the client.

Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy in Dubai. Summary

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy are recognized and effective psychotherapeutic treatment methods. During hypnosis, the person is guided into an altered state of consciousness, called a hypnotic trance. It’s proven that the vast majority of people can enter a trance state through hypnosis. In trance, individuals retain control and can interrupt or end the hypnotic process at any time if desired.

Through these phenomena, the hypnotherapists can access important personal resources such as abilities, strengths, inner wisdom, and unconscious knowledge. This enables individuals to mobilize self-regulation abilities, positively influence pain perception, mood, and well-being, train coping strategies, and mentally prepare for challenging situations. Trance also facilitates access to past experiences for therapeutic exploration and stimulates unconscious processes for further progress and creative problem-solving.

Hypnosis is an effective treatment method and should only be administered by qualified and responsible therapists! A trustworthy therapist should hold a certificate from a reputable hypnosis society, ensuring they have undergone solid hypnosis training at an accredited institute.

Read more about hypnosis:

What Is Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy?

Is Hypnosis effective? Questions and Answers

What Is Split Personality?

Ancient Roots of Hypnosis

History of Hypnosis. Healing with “Magnetism

James Braid. The Father of Modern Hypnotism

Charcot studies on hysteria

The Nancy School of hypnosis

Dr. Annette Schonder

Clinical Counsellor, Marriage Therapist, Hypnotherapist (American Board)
Call +971 4 457 4240

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