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Reasearch on Marriage Counselling

Introduction. Research on principals in marriage counselling

The Gottman Method of marriage counselling is a research-based approach to couple’s therapy developed by Drs. John and Julie Gottman. This method is designed to help couples improve their relationship and resolve conflicts by improving communication skills, increasing intimacy, and addressing negative patterns of behavior. The research-based methods on marriage counselling focuses on four principles.

Four key principles used in marriage counselling

  1. Building a strong foundation is key. The Gottman Method emphasizes the importance of building a solid foundation for the relationship. This includes establishing trust, shared meaning, and intimacy.
  2. Improving communication is equally important. The method teaches couples effective communication techniques, such as active listening, expressing feelings without blame, and staying calm during disagreements.
  3. Addressing negative patterns also plays a role. The Gottman Method identifies negative patterns of behavior. These can be criticism, defensiveness, contempt and withdrawal, and helps couples change these behaviors to improve their relationship.
  4. Enhancing intimacy is possible. The method also focuses on enhancing intimacy and building emotional connections through shared experiences, emotional expression, and physical affection.

Overall, the Gottman Method of marriage counselling offers couples a practical, research-based approach to improving relationships and resolving conflicts. This method has proven effective in helping couples build strong foundations, improve communication, address negative patterns, and enhance intimacy, resulting in improved relationship satisfaction and reduced conflict.

An easy to read and valuable book on the of marriage counselling:

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by Drs. John and Julie Gottman. This book contains a set of guidelines for couples to follow in order to create and maintain a strong, healthy relationship. The seven principles are:

  1. Enhance your love maps: Know your partner’s inner world, including their values, dreams, and goals.
  2. Nurture fondness and admiration: Focus on your partner’s positive qualities and express appreciation and respect.
  3. Turn towards each other: Respond positively to bids for connection, even small ones, to build emotional intimacy.
  4. The repair toolkit: Use effective communication skills to manage conflicts, including active listening, expressing feelings without blame, and compromising.
  5. The positive perspective: Reframe negative interpretations of your partner’s behavior to avoid escalation of conflicts.
  6. Manage conflict effectively: Learn how to effectively manage conflicts and avoid using the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling.
  7. Create shared meaning: Create shared goals and rituals to strengthen the bond between partners

Conclusion on principals in marriage counselling

By following the above listed these principles, couples can develop a stronger relationship, increase intimacy, and resolve conflicts effectively. The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work offer a practical and research-based approach to creating and maintaining a healthy, happy relationship. This book and the support of professional marriage counsellor will help to improve the quality of your relationship.