Understanding Psychological Specializations

People seeking psychologists face a wide range of issues, ranging from temporary problems at work or in relationships to severe mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, panic attacks, bipolar disorder, OCD, and more. While these individuals typically have some awareness of their difficulties, they often feel overwhelmed and uncertain about how to address them. The starting point to choose the right therapeutic method is to understand the specialization within the field of psychology. In this article, we give our reader a guideline about distinct fields of psychology, therapeutic schools, and specializations.

Psychology and Psychologists

Psychology is an academic discipline studying human behaviour, thoughts, and feelings. In its simplest form, psychology is the assimilation of knowledge about why we think, feel, and act.

In the field of psychology, there are two main therapeutic schools of thought: behaviourism and in-depth psychology. Both therapeutic schools offer distinct forms of psychotherapy. The most common behavioural psychotherapy method is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). The in-depth therapy methods are classical Freudian psychoanalysis, today nearly completely abandoned, and psychoanalytic psychotherapy.

A psychologist is an individual who has undergone through college and a university to gain a master’s degree in psychology. Psychologists do not have the authority to prescribe medication, in contrast to psychiatrists. They use “talk therapy,” called psychotherapy or counselling, to influence people’s thinking and behaviour and help them to solve their problems.

Psychologists use different forms of psychotherapeutic interventions reflecting two schools of thought: behaviourism and in-depth therapy.

Psychological Specializations

The work of psychologists differs depending on their area of expertise. Psychology and psychologists address a broad spectrum of human needs. From enhancing mental health to strengthening workplace dynamics, psychologists make major, distinctive contributions to society. 

The work of psychologists depends on their area of expertise. A psychologist’s areas of activity include:

Clinical Psychologists

Clinical psychologists are perhaps the most recognized kind of psychologist as compared to the other specialties. Their specialties are in the diagnosis and handling of mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Such professionals practice in hospitals, private practice, or mental health centers; they diagnose groups, individuals, and families.

For instance, a severely depressed individual might benefit from reconstruction of their negative thinking by applying CBT. They also assist victims of trauma by providing resources when it comes to reconstructing their emotional state.

Counselling Psychologists

Counseling psychologists are a small group within the field of clinical psychologists, but they focus on helping individuals through everyday struggles and changes in life. They deal with their patient’s problems like stress, grief, relationship issues, or indecision on a career path. They assist their patients by counseling, empowering their resilience and self-awareness.

Forensic Psychologists

They work in the cross-section of 3 disciplines: psychology, law, and correcrion. They assist the criminal investigators, conduct mental status of the defendants, and give their testimonies in court. Such efforts assist us in understanding the psychological characteristics of legal concerns.

A typical example is a forensic psychologist deciding if a particular criminal was of sound mind at the time of committing a crime. They also could work with the police to help profile criminals. Psychologists also play a significant role in the rehabilitation of criminal offenders. 

Educational Psychologists

Educational psychologists have specialised in the behavior and learning of individuals in school. Their job mainly involves assisting scholars who have social or emotional issues, disciplinary problems, or learning disabilities that affect their studies.

An educational psychologist, for example, can assist a child who has dyslexia with the creation of strategies for countering this problem and thus improving his/her reading skills. They also assist teachers by providing information on how they can foster an accommodating and supportive learning environment.

Industrial-Organizational Psychologists

I-O psychologists or industrial-organizational psychologists use psychological knowledge and methods in workplaces. They concern themselves with improving employee satisfaction, improving production, and ensuring happiness at the workplace. They are much appreciated in organizational growth, education, and recruitment.

For example, an I-O psychologist would examine the results of a survey from employees in order to determine what might be leading to poor morale at the workplace. They then suggest solutions that include ensuring that employees have shifts to determine the most suitable shifts to enhance the production of employees and their satisfaction.

Developmental Psychologist

Developmental psychologists then focus on changes that occur in the person’s life span, including infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and the elderly. People take these to learn cognition, emotion, and social development for teaching, raising children, and managing the elderly.

They might investigate the way aging affects memory or how young children develop their language acquisition. Hence, and perhaps more significantly, their work informs strategy-making in both growth promotion and dealing with age-related challenges.


Neuropsychologists are specialized in studying the relationship between the brain and behavior. It often is in contact with head injury patients, strokes, or even neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Their tests define the effects persons with brain damage exhibit in memory, problem-solving abilities, and overall cognitive performance.

For instance, a neuropsychologist may assess the capabilities of a stroke patient in order to engage him/her in basic activities of life and then recommend avenues of rehabilitation to enhance a patient’s abilities through programs that are best suited for patients experiencing similar issues.

Sports Psychologists

Sports psychologists help athletes maximize their performance and preserve mental health. Their areas of concentration are developing drive, sharpening focus, and handling performance anxiety or stress. These psychologists treat amateur and professional athletes alike.

A sports psychologist might help a tennis player, for instance, maintain mental resilience under duress during a high-stakes tournament. They also work with groups to encourage effective teaming and communication.

Health Psychologists

Health psychologists research the ways in which psychological elements affect physical health and well-being. They enable people to manage the psychological effects of medical conditions, adjust to chronic diseases, and engage in better habits.

Consider someone trying to kick smoking. Offering tools to overcome cravings and create better habits, a health psychologist could walk them through behavior modification techniques. They also assist those suffering from diseases, including diabetes or cancer.

Environmental Psychologists

Environmental psychologists emphasize how physical environments affect mental health and behavior. They research issues such as urban design, workplace layouts, and the impact of nature on well-being. Their work frequently influences public policy and sustainable development initiatives.

For example, an environmental psychologist may investigate how access to green spaces improves mental health in urban areas. Their results guide community planning to make places to live healthier.

Psychologists at CHMC in Dubai

Our Western-qualified team of psychologists treat all psychiatric disorders, such as DepressionAnxietyADHD, OCDPTSDBipolar DisorderPhobiasSleeplessness, Dependencies, and Psychoses.

Our psychologists also provide guidance and support services for general life challenges and changes (new parent, newlywed, divorced, etc.), crises, family issues, burn-out, griefsexual disordersgeneral personal development … and more.

Our clinic operates in two locations. In DHCC (Dubai Healthcare City) and JLT (Jumeirah Laks Towers). To book an appointment, contact:

Book an Appointment with our Expert Psychologists at CHMC:


Read more about psychology and psychologists:

Psychologists in Our Team at CHMC

Psychotherapy and Counselling

How to Choose the Right Psychologist

Choosing Specialist for Psychiatric Conditions

Sigmund Freud. Development of Psychoanalysis

Psychology of Carl Gustav Jung