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08am - 06pm


Evidence Based Treatment

Evidence-based treatment in Psychiatry and Psychology

Evidence-based psychiatric and psychological treatment is a structured approach to mental health care that integrates scientific research, clinical expertise, and the unique symptoms and characteristics of the patient. The two disciplines related to mental health are psychiatry and psychology. The most effective treatment method of more severe psychiatric disorders which can’t be cured psychotherapeutically, is combination of psychiatric treatment (medication) and counselling. The psychiatric disorders develop frequently over years that’s why the treatment is usually a long-term process. Therefore, our team will support patients more frequently during the crisis and reduce the frequency of visits during the later stages of treatment. The long-term outlook is helping patients to redefine their life and goals.

Psychiatric diagnostic and treatment

When we meet our patient, we diagnose and establish treatment goals. During the treatment we apply evidence-based treatment methods and carefully monitor progress. After identifying a diagnosis based on the International Classification of Diseases (ICD 10) and establishing treatment goals, we integrate appropriate, evidence-based methods and therapeutic techniques to optimize treatment outcomes. Throughout the process, we also cooperate with other medical and mental healthcare professionals. We formally discharge our patients when the treatment goals have been met. The main objective of the psychiatric treatment is patient’s full recovery when he no longer suffers from mental illness related symptoms or the problem(s) that brought him to us.

International treatment guidelines

To uphold evidenced-based psychiatric and psychological best practices at CHMC, our therapy follows international treatment guidelines. Additionally, we base the internal organization of our clinics on current German healthcare standards. Scientific research and our humanity inform us that the provider-patient relationship is an essential ingredient in good treatment outcomes. Our psychiatrist and psychologists are permanently present in Dubai to build the best possible therapeutic care. Throughout the process, we collaborate with our patients considering their personal and illness related needs. Our strength lies in the regular evaluations taking place during psychiatric and/or psychological follow up visits allowing us to closely monitor progress.

Patient Care

Our team consisting of our psychiatrist, psychologists, and nurses provides seamless patient care. We closely monitor and evaluate our patients’ progress during psychiatric and/or psychological follow-up visits. As professionals we pool our knowledge, insights and observations during regular team meetings to benefit our patients’ treatment and progress. We continuously strive to provide the highest quality of evidence-based clinical care through our expertise, but also by building a trusting relationship with the patient. We provide a holistic treatment approach with consistent promotion of mental and physical wellbeing. Our team provides guidance and support for mental illness and enhancing personal development addressing general life problems, crises, family issues, work related problems, grief and more. In therapy our main objective is to support our patients by deepening their inward insight and opening a way to overcome the difficulties which caused the onset of the psychiatric disorder.

Psychiatric Treatment

Dr. Gregor Kowal ‘s psychiatric treatment evolves along a therapy plan which begins with an initial, profound assessment. The diagnostic procedures include an in-depth psychiatric, and psychological evaluation, a physical and neurological examination, and diagnostic measures are performed in the clinic. During the first evaluation, Dr. Kowal discusses the treatment plan, frequency of visits and the approximate total duration of the treatment with the patient. The Diagnostic coding system is based on the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD 10).

Initial Diagnostics

Survey of psychiatric, psychological, and somatic case history

General physical examination

Neurological examination

Laboratory examination

ECG (Electrocardiogram)

If required:

EEG (Electroencephalogram)

MRT, CT scan, and other imaging procedures on demand (done in partner clinic located in the same building)

Psychological testing

Therapeutic Methods Used


Differentiated pharmacotherapy

Regular psychiatric and psychological monitoring (30 minutes)

Patient and family education

Psychological Treatment

Psychology is the science of behaviour and mental processes with the goals of being able to describe, predict, understand, and influence behaviour and mental processes using the methods of science. The backbone of evidenced-based psychological care is to use treatment methods that have been proven to have a positive impact on desired goals. These treatment methods are found by conducting studies in which observable data is collected and interpreted through the lens of a hypothesis. Psychologists provide psychotherapy through the spoken word, “talk therapy.”

Our psychologists

Our clinical psychologists are educated to diagnose and treat mental illness, personal problems, marital problems, family problems, and troublesome behaviours. In their psychotherapeutic work they will draw upon their theoretical knowledge, supervised training (licensing requirement), and experience to facilitate healing and positive change. They will recommend a psychiatric consultation if mental health symptoms are profoundly affecting a person’s level of functioning or wellbeing.

Therapeutic Methods Used

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Humanistic Psychology

Psychodynamic Psychology

Integrated Psychology

Marital Counseling/Therapy

Family Therapy

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (Skills Focused)

Client Centered Therapy based on Dr. Carl Rogers

Motivational Interviewing



Stress Management

Relaxation Techniques

Anger Management Techniques

Education on mental illness, life-skills, psychological concepts, communication process, positive parenting techniques …

Psychometric Testing

IQ Testing

Monitoring of the treatment process

Our strength lies in the regular evaluation taking place during the psychiatric and psychological follow up visits which allows us a close monitoring of the patient’s progress. CHMC continuously strives to provide the highest quality of clinical care through our expertise, but also by building a trusting relationship to the patient. We provide a holistic treatment approach with consistent promotion of mental and physical wellbeing. Our team provides guidance and support for solving the general life problems, crises, family issues, work related problems, grief and by enhancing the general personal development. In therapy our main goal is to support our patients by deepening their inward insight and opening the way to overcome the difficulties which caused the onset of the psychiatric disorder. If required, we offer aftercare programme or make referrals to support groups.

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