Psychological Testing in Dubai

Psychological testing in Dubai.
CHMC, German Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychology, offers psychological testing for various psychological parameters

Psychological tests are standardized scientific methods that play an important role in clinical, educational, and professional settings. They enable unbiased assessment of various neurocognitive parameters such as reasoning, memorization, concentration, and abstract thinking.

Psychological assessment targets an individual’s two core competencies, such as personality and special skills. It measures a person’s objective personality traits, intelligence, skills, behavioural style, and aptitude.

For psychological tests, contact our expert psychologists at CHMC in Dubai:


Psychological Testing Offered at CHMC in Dubai

In psychology, there is a distinction between qualitative (content-based) and quantitative (temporal, proportional) methods. Such tests can be conducted individually and/or in groups. However, it’s crucial to note that test results only provide insights into specific aspects of a person (traits, abilities, preferred behaviours) related to specific questions.

The psychological testing methods must be scientifically validated while meeting the following criteria:

  1. Objectivity: Are the administration, application, and interpretation independent of the examiner’s or examination situation’s influence?
  2. Reliability (Accuracy or Consistency): How precisely is the trait measured, or are the measurement results affected by errors to a significant extent?
  3. Validity: Does the procedure measure what it is supposed to measure?

Psychological testing procedures and their application require appropriate education and ongoing professional development. The administration, evaluation, and interpretation of psychological testing procedures should only be conducted by experienced and certified psychologists. This is necessary due to ongoing testing and evaluation methods.

Psychological Tests for Personality Assessment

However, assessing cognitive abilities alone isn’t sufficient for most companies and universities. While cognitive prowess matters, they also want to know if the applicant fits their future role or team. Therefore, within psychometric aptitude tests, a personality assessment often follows. It aims to delve deeper into the individual’s attitude, personal motivation, and values.

Traits like assertiveness, empathy, and likability can be examined. In a personality test, such as the “Big Five Personality Test,” unlike cognitive tests, there’s no right or wrong. Instead, it depends on the specific position, education, or field of study for which traits are required.

Psychological Testing for Performance Assessments

Psychological tests often serve as cognitive performance assessments. These tests evaluate competencies in areas such as general knowledge, logic, language, concentration, and intelligence.

The general knowledge can be tested by asking questions related to general education.

Logical reasoning and concentration can be tested through numerical or alphabetical tasks.

Spatial reasoning, mathematical skills, and language proficiency can also be assessed in a performance test.

Diagnosing Psychiatric Disorders with Psychological Tests

In the field of psychiatry, psychometric tests allow for the identification of a variety of deficiencies, for example, depression, anxiety, ADHD. It’s an important tool to secure the psychiatric diagnosis based on the clinical investigation.

Psychological Testing in Educational Field

In the educational field, psychometric testing plays an important role in identifying learning disabilities, enabling teachers to find the most appropriate support for their students.

Psychological Tests for Corporate and Professional Use

For career purposes, psychometric assessment helps you find a career path that matches your individual personality and skills.

The psychometric test assesses a person’s cognitive abilities and personality traits. It evaluates whether employees can master specific professional roles. It helps to understand aspects of an employee’s personality, mental abilities, and behavioural patterns that could not be assessed in an interview.

Therefore, psychometric evaluation has become a popular method for companies to find suitable candidates for specific positions. One of the most frequently applied tests in the corporate world is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. This test is based on C.G.Jung’s personality typology.

The psychometric assessment can be used in every aspect of your individual’s career life cycle. It helps you at the beginning of the employment to find a career matching your personality. The proper choice of a career path will significantly reduce the risk of future disappointments, frustrations, and professional burnout.

Looking from the corporate perspective, the psychometric assessment helps the company find the most suitable candidate for the vacant position. In the following career stages, it helps the employee and the company to choose the proper professional training and/or leadership development.

Psychological Testing in Dubai. Summary

Psychological testing, known as psychometric testing, is a standardized method used in clinical, educational, and professional settings serving multiple purposes, spanning from self-discovery and therapeutic planning to educational and professional management. The tests provide unbiased evaluations of an individual’s assessment of various cognitive abilities like reasoning, memory, concentration, and abstract thinking.

The main areas of psychological testing procedures encompass intelligence assessment, personality and developmental assessment, neuropsychological inquiries, and clinical psychology. In the context of psychological counselling, psychological testing can provide insights into a patient’s personality, including their inner conflicts. The goal of such tests lies in the selection of the appropriate treatment method along with the monitoring of the treatment progress.

Another important application area for psychological testing is its use in corporate and professional fields, helping to select suitable employees for particular tasks. Applicants and employees can be compared with other candidates or colleagues regarding their abilities. This enables organizations to make the right decisions regarding recruitment, training, and professional development, ultimately contributing to more efficient workplaces, including employee’s better work satisfaction.

In summary, the application of psychological testing serves multifaceted purposes, spanning from self-discovery and therapeutic planning to educational support and personnel management.

FAQs about Psychological testing

In the below FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), we provide the answers to the most common questions about psychological testing in Dubai. Our psychiatric clinic provides a variety of tests assessing distinct psychiatric disorders.

What is psychological testing?

Psychological testing involves the use of standardized measures to assess an individual’s cognitive abilities, personality traits, emotional functioning, and other psychological factors.

Why is psychological testing conducted?

Psychological testing is conducted for various reasons, including diagnosing mental health conditions, assessing intelligence, academic achievement, and ADHD; evaluating personality traits; determining suitability for certain jobs or roles; and guiding treatment planning.

Who administers psychological tests?

Psychological tests are typically administered by licensed psychologists or other qualified mental health professionals who have received training in test administration, scoring, and interpretation.

What types of psychological tests are there?

There are many different types of psychological tests, including intelligence tests (e.g., IQ tests), personality assessments (e.g., the MCMI), and projective tests (e.g., the Rorschach inkblot test).

How long does psychological testing take?

The duration of psychological testing can vary depending on the specific tests being administered and the individual’s needs. Testing or assessment is a limited-time process comprising three main appointments:

  1. Intake appointment
  2. One to three testing sessions
  3. Feedback appointment

Are psychological tests accurate?

Psychological tests are generally reliable and valid measures of the constructs they are designed to assess. However, test results should be interpreted by a trained professional within the context of other relevant information, such as the individual’s history, behaviour, and current circumstances.

Is psychological testing covered by insurance?

In many cases, psychological testing may be covered by health insurance if it is deemed medically necessary. Coverage can vary depending on the specific tests being administered, the individual’s insurance plan, and other factors. It’s advisable to check with your insurance provider for details on coverage.

What should I expect during a psychological testing session?

During a psychological testing session, you can expect to complete a series of tests and assessments tailored to your specific needs and concerns. The testing process may involve answering questions, completing tasks or puzzles, and responding to stimuli presented by the examiner.

Psychological testing differs from traditional exams; it’s not about passing or failing but rather about using test results to diagnose and plan treatment effectively.

Some individuals may be tempted to preview tests beforehand, seeking online practice tests related to their suspected issues. However, experts caution against this approach. Preparing in advance often leads to inconsistent answers and may exaggerate perceived problems. Psychological testing and assessment should not evoke fear or require studying; instead, it’s a chance for psychologists to tailor the most beneficial support for you.

How are psychological test results used?

Psychological test results are used by professionals to gain insights into an individual’s psychological functioning, inform diagnostic decisions, guide treatment planning, evaluate progress over time, and make recommendations for interventions or accommodations as needed.

Read more about psychological testing: